A Ministry Dedicated to Spreading God’s Wisdom
World Mission
The heart of Faith Gospel Association Worldwide is based on the World Mission and The Great Commission of St. Matthew, found in Matthew 28:18-20 that says, “And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, “All power is given unto me in Heaven and Earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the World.”
Our ministry will preach the Gospel throughout the world by all possible means. Aside from that, we will also sponsor and support the journey of missionaries worldwide.

The President
Our ministry began 50 years ago when Rev. Byran C. Russell had a life-changing encounter with Jesus. This led him to the Bible College and Christian Ministry. Eventually, he founded the Faith Gospel Association Worldwide to reach the lost world and share his belief in:

Aside from being a distinguished creation scientist, Rev. Russell is also an expert in the field of theology. He expounded on a variety of great subjects, including:
- The Cataclysmic Nature of Sin
- The Incarnation
- The Efficacy of Redemption
- Free Choice
- The Life in the Here After
- The Destiny of the Universe
Rev. Russell is a brilliant creation scientist. He provides answers to fundamental questions of the universe, which remained unanswered by natural scientists. These questions revolve around:
- The Origin of Space and Matter
- The Foundation of the Universe (The Weightlessness of Outer Space)
- The Magnetic Fields
- The Microwave Radiation Background
- The Radiation Cycle of the Stars
- The Orbit of the Sun
- The 23-Degree Tilted Angle of the Earth
- The Suggested Disintegration of the Constellations
- The Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces of the Universe
- The Indispensable Factor of Electromagnetism to the Universe
His expositions of the Old Testament Scriptures and the Epistles helps the spiritual enrichment of Christians worldwide. The evidence of his unique mind is seen in the following books he authored:
- “Understanding God’s Sovereignty”
- “Theo-Cosmos (A Scientific Description of the Universe from a Theological Perspective)”
- “28 Steps to Eternity”
- “The Exceeding Riches of His Grace”
- “Footprints in the Wilderness” (Volume 1, 2, and 3)"
- “The Greatness of God’s Mercy”
- “Unlocking the Divinity Code (The Grand Unification, The Scientific Evidence of Creation)”
Our Officers
Rev. Byran C. Russell
Sally M. Russell
Dr. Edward Wyndham
General Secretary
Dr. Ralph Huckeba
Director of World Missions
Deborah E. Russell
Assistant to the President